Live Lounge Podcast Series by BritCham Shanghai

Corporate Innovation and Intrepreneurship – The Future of Disruption

Marketing Focus Group Chair: Kirsten Johnston Season 2 Episode 2

This is our second episode of Season Two in the Live Lounge Podcast Series, where we discuss Corporate Innovation and Intrepreneurship – The Future of Disruption. Learn about how enterprise level companies are leveraging Venture Capital firms to source start-ups; to manage and incubate products, supply chain and operational innovations.

Mediator: Jill Smith, Managing Director in China of Iris Worldwide

Carol Zhou, Head of Shiseido China Business Innovation & Representative Office
Brian Tam, Creativity Consultant, Let’s Make Great!
Summer Xia, Marketing Manager at Microsoft for Startups China
Luuk Eliens, Head of Innovation at XNode Corporate Start-up Innovation Accelerator
Kapil Kane, Director of Innovation at Intel and Co-Founder of Ideas2Reality